Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hide me.

I had a rough week. All day on Friday, I found myself praying. I was begging God to show me in some small way that He was still there. I needed to know that He was still in control, that He still cared enough to order my steps. I needed to Him to hold me. I prayed on the way to work. I prayed during nap while I was putting the kids down. I prayed all the way home.

And, then I went to church.

I've learned not to expect much from church. I know. Bad attitude.

God spoke to me. He literally spoke directly to me. He said, 'I am still your God. I am still on the throne. I am still in control. And, I will hide you in the cleft of the rock.' He said those words through someone else, but I knew they were for me.

Even now as I tell you this, I'm crying. I cannot believe that He took the time to answer my prayer personally. Especially with all my unbelief and doubting and bad attitude. Who am I that He is mindful of me?

Are things still up in the air in every area of my life? Yes. I'm still not sure about my job situation. I'm still single. I still live in my parent's house. I still don't always know how I'm going to pay my bills. (And, I might be embarking on a church search, as well. But, I'll save that for another blog.)

But, I know that He's on the throne. And, that He's going to hide me in the cleft of that rock. So, while the storm rages on outside, He's in control. Nothing can happen that He's not ready for, that He hasn't already seen. And, that God that sits on the throne, in control of the universe, calls me friend. I have no idea why He wants to be my friend, but I'm just going to rest in that for awhile.

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