Saturday, July 18, 2009

Good Gifts

On Thursday, I had to go to court for a silly ticket. I was so incredibly nervous. If you know me very well, then you probably aren't surprised that I was nervous. I get butterflies in my stomach when I go to a new restaurant. I really wanted to ask my dad to go with me, but I knew he would tell me that he had to work. I also thought the judge might think me a silly girl and when make me pay more for being ridiculous.

(Sidenote: I have different levels of stomach butterflies, for those of you who are interested. New restaurants are just butterflies, you know, just your average garden variety monarchs. Court dates are butterflies on steroids and possibly hallucinogenics. But, when I talk to that certain boy - and yes, maybe there is actually a 'certain boy' - they are like freaking pterodactyls.)

I thought that I was going to have to pay $110. This was a particularly tight week and I had already made a hair appointment. But, I knew if I did actually have to pay that ticket, I would have to cancel my hair appointment. I was bummed, but a girl's got to prioritize.

But, the judge actually reduced my fines from $110 to $65. And, yes, before I left the courtroom, he did manage to squeeze in a mini lecture, but it was deserved. The amazing thing is that I had figured the hair appointment at $45.

How great is our God?

Seriously. Why would the King of Kings care if I got my hair colored today? He cares because He knows it matters to me. As tiny and insignificant as it might be in the scheme of things, He knows that to me, it's kind of a big deal. So, He moved in the heart of a judge, and had my fines reduced. Even though, I deserved to pay the fines.

My hair looks fabulous. And, all the way home, I was absolutely overwhelmed with God's love. I just kept telling Him that I loved Him. And, then I realized that I am only capable of loving Him because He has loved me first. Well, that just made me love Him even more. My heart was so full.

And, then I got two pairs of shoes for seven

It blows my mind that God would care enough about me to see that I get the little things like cute shoes and hair appointments. I don't know why He does, but I am so glad He loves me. I don't why He thinks I'm worthy of these gifts, especially when He's already given me so much, but I'm sure glad He does.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I love those days, Constance! And I love that you recognized God's kindness and favor in it all.

    Also love: 2 pairs of shoes for $7. And your description of the butterflies. So cute.
