Wednesday, December 26, 2007

When you wish upon a star, as dreamers do...

So, it's the day after Christmas. While I'm not a huge fan of Canada, I think they have the right idea making today a holiday. It's such a strange day for me. Even this year, with my serious lack of holiday spirit. All the work and preparation that lead up to this one day and then suddenly, it's over. Back to the everyday grind. And, even while your tree is still up in the living room, it seems a little less magical. So, here I sit, writing a blog, syncing my ipod, and thinking about next year.

Of course, I've made the typical new years resolutions: get healthier, spend less money, read more books. The same resolutions I make every year. And, every year, I cross my fingers and hope I follow through. Don't look at me like that…you do the same thing. You say, this year I'm going to the gym three times a week, I'll stick to my budget, and finish that novel I started last January (you say that, I don't, I finished last January's novel last January). But, deep in the back of your mind, you know that the variable in all of those resolutions is your own follow through, and you're a little concerned you might get in your own way. You're not alone.

And, I want all the pieces of my life to fall into place. Seriously, is that too much to ask? Sure, I have my goals for the year, just like everyone else. But, here are my hopes for the year. I want to accomplish something that makes me feel really good about myself. I'm not picky about what it is, actually, just something that makes me feel great about being me. I would really like to keep a secret, just one. I'd like to find some way to peacefully coexist with my parents. I would say I'd like to move out, but I'm not that optimistic. I'd also like to peacefully coexist with Wayne State, but the truth is, peacefully or otherwise, I'm stuck there. So, I'd like to learn to love it, no, on second thought, I'd like to just learn. And, lastly, I want to find someone. And, I know I'm not the only one who's hoping for that one to happen.

So, good luck with all your new year's resolutions. I hope you can overcome yourself and actually see their fruition. But, more importantly, I'm really hoping you get all of those things that you are secretly dreaming of, in your heart of hearts. On New Year's Eve, while the rest of you are watching the ball drop, I'm going to be outside, wishing on a star. Wishing for the best year yet, for you and for me.

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