Wednesday, July 8, 2009

And, then there was manna...

My friend Sarah Beth wrote an amazing blog a couple of weeks ago, and it came to my mind today. I've been thinking about it ever since.

Just in case you are as lazy as I am, I'll summarize. Basically, God sent the Israelites manna because they grumbled. He did not send them manna because that was the provision He had originally intended. My guess is that He really had something better in mind, but because they couldn't wait for God's perfect plan, they got the manna.

I'm sure the manna was sufficient. I'm sure they were no longer hungry. (Well, actually that is untrue, because they grumbled some more and God sent quail. We'll just include the quail in with the manna.) And, maybe they never even missed God's original provision. It's possible that He was just trying to teach them a lesson in patience. But, it's also possible that He had a seven course meal waiting at the end of the trial.

When I hear that story, it sound awfully familiar. I know a grumbler. I know someone who thinks she deserves something that God hasn't given her yet. I know someone who could use a real lesson in patience. I know someone who is asking God to move now, regardless of His plan. And, I know someone who is going to end up with a Plan B husband if she doesn't shape up and learn a lesson from the Israelites.


God has a plan for me. We're gonna call it Plan A. It's incredible. I know it is. I know that He has my entire path mapped out, just waiting for me. I have no idea what's on the path. He may have a husband just waiting for me right around the corner. He's got my dream job already to go. He's got a ministry for me that's gonna change the world. His Plan A is so amazing, I can't even imagine it. He told me so.

He told me He knit me together in my mother's womb for a purpose. He told me that He has plans to prosper me and to give me a future and a hope. He's told me that He's going to give me the desires of my heart. He's told me that He will order my steps. He's told me that He will give me good gifts, better than I can even imagine, if I just ask Him.

And, yet, I grumble. I tell Him it's not good enough. I want my future now. I want to meet the man of my dreams now. I want to move out now. I want everything now. His perfect provision and timing is not enough for me. The last thing I want is a Plan B, or manna, husband. He'll give it to me because He is a good father and wants to take care of His children. But, then I'll have to face the consequences of my decision. I'll have to deal with my Plan B life.

"I want Plan A. I need Plan A. I don't want to take one step out of Your will, not even for a second. I know that the plans you have for me are more amazing than I could ever imagine (and I have a pretty active imagination). I know that You are a Father who wants to provide the best for His children. I know this. I believe what You said in the scriptures. I know You keep Your promises. But, Lord, help my unbelief. Forgive me for even doubting Your perfect plan. Forgive me for thinking that I could do things better. Strip me of my pride and selfishness. I want Plan A, whatever the price. Even if it means giving up some of those dreams I hold most dear, because I know that something even better waits for me."

1 comment:

  1. So, I emailed my pastor the links to our two posts...I wanted to encourage him that he's making a difference. Even to people hundreds of miles away! Glad that post meant something to you, Constance. And your elaboration was so spot-on to what I (and I think most people) are feeling - whether it's about a husband, a job, a house, whatever.
