Wednesday, December 26, 2007

When you wish upon a star, as dreamers do...

So, it's the day after Christmas. While I'm not a huge fan of Canada, I think they have the right idea making today a holiday. It's such a strange day for me. Even this year, with my serious lack of holiday spirit. All the work and preparation that lead up to this one day and then suddenly, it's over. Back to the everyday grind. And, even while your tree is still up in the living room, it seems a little less magical. So, here I sit, writing a blog, syncing my ipod, and thinking about next year.

Of course, I've made the typical new years resolutions: get healthier, spend less money, read more books. The same resolutions I make every year. And, every year, I cross my fingers and hope I follow through. Don't look at me like that…you do the same thing. You say, this year I'm going to the gym three times a week, I'll stick to my budget, and finish that novel I started last January (you say that, I don't, I finished last January's novel last January). But, deep in the back of your mind, you know that the variable in all of those resolutions is your own follow through, and you're a little concerned you might get in your own way. You're not alone.

And, I want all the pieces of my life to fall into place. Seriously, is that too much to ask? Sure, I have my goals for the year, just like everyone else. But, here are my hopes for the year. I want to accomplish something that makes me feel really good about myself. I'm not picky about what it is, actually, just something that makes me feel great about being me. I would really like to keep a secret, just one. I'd like to find some way to peacefully coexist with my parents. I would say I'd like to move out, but I'm not that optimistic. I'd also like to peacefully coexist with Wayne State, but the truth is, peacefully or otherwise, I'm stuck there. So, I'd like to learn to love it, no, on second thought, I'd like to just learn. And, lastly, I want to find someone. And, I know I'm not the only one who's hoping for that one to happen.

So, good luck with all your new year's resolutions. I hope you can overcome yourself and actually see their fruition. But, more importantly, I'm really hoping you get all of those things that you are secretly dreaming of, in your heart of hearts. On New Year's Eve, while the rest of you are watching the ball drop, I'm going to be outside, wishing on a star. Wishing for the best year yet, for you and for me.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

The Golden Compass

Since I am avoiding studying for my Michigan Politics final, I thought I would write a blog I've been meaning to post for quite some time. I'm sure most of you are aware that last weekend a rather controversial film, The Golden Compass, was released. As always, I figured I'd throw in my two cents for those of you who are willing to listen. I have not seen the film yet, so please note that my opinions are based on the trilogy of books and not the actual film. I will not be seeing the film for sometime because I do not want to contribute to it financially. I will wait until I can rent it for free from Blockbuster.

Anyway, yes, I have read all three books. And, I am not a fan. I am not a fan for several reasons. First of all, I found them boring and a bit tedious. For those of you familiar with my blogs, you know how much I hate Dan Brown. Well, these books were like Dan Brown for kids. I think the books are marketed toward middle schoolers, an maybe even younger, but they contain some scientific themes that will most certainly go over their heads. Some of it went over my head. The characters are concerned with elementary particles, or dust, and the effect they have on children versus their effect on adults. These particles are able to communicate with the more enlightened individuals of society and children. Confused? So was I.

Secondly, as I already mentioned, I think these books are marketed toward a younger generation, but they deal with themes that I think are far too mature for someone so young. Lyra, the main character, and Will, her companion for the second and third books, have a developing romance that seems entirely innocent for quite some time. Until the latter part of the third book, when we see the relationship take a more physical turn. The author does not imply that they have sexual relations, but they do spend a considerable amount of time alone, and do kiss. It is the crossing of this relationship into a more mature realm that causes Lyra to lose her ability to communicate with the dust through her alethiometer, thus signifying that she has passed puberty, essentially.

Also, Lyra is the illegitimate child of Lord Asriel and her mother, Mrs. Coulter. Details of this relationship that I think would be better left alone are not. It is also implied that Mrs. Coulter has had other affairs with other men in order to gain what she needs to continue her experiments. (Experiments that have something to do with disconnecting the soul from the body to see how the dust changes.)

Lastly, the entire trilogy is basically an atheist's argument against God. He confuses the corruption of the institution of the church with the corruption of God, which we as Christians realize is a human institution susceptible to corruption. We can easily separate the two, ..:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Pullman does not. Basically, the trilogy culminates in the good guys (including a few rogue angels, polar bears, and witches led by Lord Asriel) waging a war against the church and God. Eventually, God is destroyed, but he turns out to be a fake, only an angel with delusions of grandeur.

The books are not only poorly written, they are the equivalent of a literary wolf in sheep's clothing. An atheist has wrapped his anti-God beliefs in a cushy little box, complete with fuzzy friends and kids who conquer evil. I do not think this is a mere question of imagination, such as Harry Potter, but rather a purposely dangerously confusing theological argument.

But, if you are looking for some quality entertainment for you kids, nieces and nephews or even yourself, allow me to make some suggestions. Stardust will be available for rent on Tuesday and the latest Harry Potter film came out last week. Gregor the Overlander is a great series, full of imaginative fun and even talking rats and bats. Also, the two Ven Polypheme books are great, although they are a bit more of a challenge.

But, don't take my word for it!

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Growing up is such a barbarous business, full of inconvenience... and pimples.

"Hook met the accusation with a jaunty shrug. 'Not I. You yourself. The moment a child answers the question 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' he is halfway to being an adult. He has betrayed childhood and Looked Ahead. He has joined the rank of those clerks and chicken-pluckers and box-packers who scan the Situations Vacant column in the newspapers."
Curse those teachers who demand that you choose a profession in kindergarten. Curse those admissions counselors who make you declare a major. And those professors who ask you to write papers on your own personal mission statement? Make them walk the plank. In my fairy tale, they are the Captain James Hook. They are the robbers of childhood and imagination.
Perhaps they thought that by robbing us of our imagination and instilling good sense and responsibility, we could make the world a better place. But, it turns out that sense of responsibility is what drives us to take jobs as chicken-pluckers and travel agents and retaill clerks and box-packers. Maybe we still have that imagination and that sense of adventure. But, everyday we get up and make our way to our less than desirable jobs, we are forced to supress our inner Pan in favor of paying the rent.
These professors and admission counselors probably thought their plan was foolproof, but it turns out, it's acutally imagination and that sense of Peter Pan-ian adventure that will make the world a better place. It's going to take a few Peter Pans to solve the world's biggest problems. That common sense and concern for responsibility only brings about the concern for the bottom line and concrete facts. And quote all the statistics you want, and the Captain Hooks of the world certainly do, but that's not going to save the world.
It's true. We have no fairy dust. But, Pan said, "to live would be an awfully big adventure." And, I'm thinking to live life as an adventure is a far better alternative to living a life concerned with the bottom line.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

On a scale of one to ten, I'm a three...and counting...

I have completely given up the male gender. I am done. I am starting to think that those crazy cat ladies who live in the old broken down house on the corner have a good plan. I understand them.
Cats don't let you down. They don't lie. They don't cheat. You remember to feed them, water them, and clean out their litter box and they will be your best friend. They will cuddle with you. You never have to fight for control of the remote or the radio. You don't have to do their laundry or remind them to put their dishes in the dishwasher. And, they are always listening to you and will never try to fix your problem.
So what if their houses are a little broken down? They don't have anyone to fix it for them. Why? Because they gave up on men and as a result, their gutters don't get cleaned, they siding doesn't get fixed, and their stairs sag a little. In the long run, does it really matter? Instead, they get to spend every night in their sweatpants with no makeup on and their legs unshaved. I think that's a trade that is more than fair.
Now, I love kids as much as the next person, actually, probably more. But, right now my bitterness level is at about a three. Give me a few years and I might be a lot higher. I'm thinking a fifteen. So, I'll probably be glad that their trick or treaters are too afraid to come and ring my doorbell. Maybe they think I would boil them and eat them, and I'll be honest if I ever get to a fifteen, I might boil and eat them. They might want to stay away.
And for those kids who do actually reach my doorbell, props to them, but I probably won't have any candy. I probably ate it all, along with the entire contents of my fridge.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Things I heard on the radio...

This blog will not be about music. Why? Because the only time I get to listen to the radio is in the morning while I am getting ready for work because I do not have a radio in my car. The only other time I listen is at work while I am at reception, and I'm not usually paying that much attention. This blog will be about things I heard on the radio this week and my thoughts on those things.
First, I heard that some town, I think it was Bangor, Maine, instituted a law that says you can't smoke in a car when minors are present. It's a first offense, meaning they can actually pull you over for it. At first, I was like, "good for you Bangor! Way to protect those who can not protect themselves!" But, then I started to think about it and I found myself agreeing with Bangor less and less.
I'm sure you've heard that "you can't legislate morality." Usually, this is a point of moral relativism or people who want to be allowed to do whatever you want. But, think about it. No matter how many laws you make that say you can't murder or steal or hate, people will still murder and steal and hate. Law cannot create the motivation to do what is right, just like grades cannot create the motivation to learn. I think perhaps, it may also be true that you can't legislate common sense. I would much prefer that you didn't try, honestly. Today, you are pulling me over because you think I might possibly be smoking with children in the car, but tomorrow you're knocking on my door asking if I smoke while there are children in the house (for the record, I neither smoke nor have children). While I agree that everyone should wear a seatbelt while driving and a helmet while on a motorcycle, shouldn't that be a personal decision? At the same time, I'm torn. I want to protect those children from their stupid parent's second hand smoke, but I also want to protect their right to make their own decisions in the future.
Next, I heard a much more disturbing bit of information. As I'm sure you all heard, President Bush gave the State of the Union address on Tuesday. Well, Monday, on The View, Rosie called for his impeachment. I have so many things to say about this, you may want to put your seatbelt on (I am not going to make you, it's your choice).
First of all, let's think back to the last time we called for a president's impeachment. What did that even do? Nothing. We were subjected to thousands of hours of hearings and such. Now, we are waiting to see if his wife is going to run for president. Yipee.
Second, who in the world does Rosie thinks she is? Seriously, you have a little tiny midday talk show. But, because you, a talk show host, disagrees with the leader of the Free World, we should listen to you? I don't think so. I rarely agree with Donald Trump, but he may be right about you. You are too big for your britches. Shut up.
Third, we are in the middle of a war, a war that doesn't seem to be going too well (honestly, I don't know much about it, so don't get too upset if you think it is going well). Is it really a great idea to impeach the commander of our armed forces in the middle of a war? Does that really make sense? I don't think it does.
Rosie, shut up. You're an idiot. Just because you have a lot of money doesn't mean you get to tell us what to do. It doesn't make you smart or right.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Worst Cup of Coffee Ever.

Wow. I have not blogged in a really, really long time. How excited are you? Not to mention, this is an extra special blog. It's a blog about my date.
So, I met this guy on If you're curious about online dating, go ahead and give it a try. If you get nothing more out of it, it's a blast just to read/make fun of all of the other profiles. And, the truth is, you never really know, you just might me someone you was worth it. I have not, not yet, anyway.
So, anyway, I didn't really like this guy that much from the start, but I'm a nice girl (haha), so I winked back. He kept talking, I kept responding. Then, all of the sudden he asked me if I wanted to get coffee. I said, sure, call me this weekend.
Before I continue, let me give you a little background information about this guy. He's a graduate of Western, which, compared to Lee, is a party school. He has a degree in Accounting and is an auditor for the IRS. He lives by himself in an apartment while his house is being built. For fun, he plays sports and goes out to the bars. What a match.
Back to the play by play, he did not call me over the weekend. I won't lie, I was relieved. He called on Monday. I called him back on Tuesday. He told me he would have to call me back because he was grocery shopping and getting the "cans and shit" out of his car.
(In case you're keeping score:
Strike 1: Didn't call when he said he would.
Strike 2: Swore the first time he talked to me. That's just a pet peeve of mine. When did guys stop treating girls like they were ladies? I don't have a problem with swearing really, but you couldn't hold your tongue the first time you talked to a new girl? Rude and very un-gentleman-like.)
So, he did call me back and we had a very awkward conversation. He asked me if I wanted to get coffee on Wednesday. I said that wouldn't really work for me cause I had to work late. He said he might be able to squeeze me in before he went to the bar on Thursday, but he really wanted to do it on Wednesday. I agreed. (I'm not counting that as a strike, cause I already knew he wasn't a gentleman.)
So, I get to the Starbucks first. I go ahead and order, just to take the awkward-ness out of that moment. I sit down and wait and wait and wait. I check my voicemail. The guy got lost on the way to the Starbucks in the mall parking lot. Are you freaking kidding me? So, I call him back and he is a little rude to me on the phone. He is definitely annoyed that he got lost and I think he is blaming me. (Oh, and strike three for being an idiot and blaming it on me.) He has a navigation system in his car (he told me three times).
He walks in. He doesn't even shake my hand or anything. I had to reach to shake his. He didn't apoligize for being late or for not buying my drink or anything. He says he's not going to get anything to drink yet. He doesn't drink coffee anyway, which he already told me at least twice. He sits down, no I'm sorry, he slouches down. And, I tell him I'm a little nervous. Perfect invitation to flirt. Does he? No, he says, "yeah?"
From there, I pretty much talked for an hour and half. If he was talking and I would start talking, I could tell that he was getting annoyed that he didn't finish his story or whatever. He kept talking about the Krispy Kreme across the street. He never looked at me when I talked or even when he was talking.
Not to mention he looked about thirteen. I don't even think he had to shave. He was wearing crappy stone-washed jeans. He never even took his coat off. Then, as he was leaving, he didn't try to shake my head or hug me or even walk me out to the car. All he said, was, "I'll talk to you later." Yeah fricking right. If he calls me, I'm going to answer the phone with a, "are you fricking kidding me?"
That was my date.